Self-Paced Online Course: Trusts
Study Hours: 10
Trusts are property-holding arrangements used extensively in business, estate planning and intellectual property. Trusts can be formed to protect assets, minimize tax liabilities, and transfer ownership of all forms of assets. The basic laws of trust are presented in this module, including trust formation, trust failure, rights and powers of the trustee, the powers of the beneficiary and the rights of creditors.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- The basic laws regarding trusts in the U.S., including trust formation, trust failure, rights and powers of the trustee, the powers of the beneficiary and the rights of creditors.
Course Sections
The course is organized into the following sections:
- Trusts: Introduction & Basic Rules
- Trusts: Forming, Modifying & Terminating a Trust
- Trusts: Divided Rights, Duties & Powers
- Trusts: Types of Trusts
- Trusts: Failure
- Trusts: Situations where Trusts are Often Used
- Trusts: Issues That Can Arise
- Trusts: Unused Quiz Question(s)

Course Information:
Study Hours: 10
Enroll Anytime: first create an SVBS account